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The fast lane to drive-through success

Drive-through demand surges in the UK, reshaping retail and F&B sectors

July 16th, 2024 Posted by All, F&B

The drive-through is one of the hottest retail property assets in the UK right now, with food and drink-to-go businesses facing fierce competition for sites.

When KFC reopened several of its UK branches as drive-through only shortly after the first Covid-19 lockdown in May 2020, the resulting tailback of cars made national headlines. According to data by global information company The NPD Group, Brits made 121 million visits to drive-throughs between September and November 2020, a 14% increase on the same period the previous year. Spend was up 45% to £723m over this time frame, with consumers tending to place larger-than-average orders at the drive-through window.

Whilst much of the accelerated growth in drive-throughs could be linked to the Coronavirus pandemic and people feeling safer and more secure in their cars, the range of new operators entering the UK drive-through market – as well as more established F&B outlets looking to make drive-through a key component of their portfolios – and battling it out for prime locations suggests the sector will remain strong. Indeed, the number of drive-through enquiries received by Urban Edge over the last two years has been unprecedented.

Before the pandemic, we were seeing owners and operators of retail parks responding to the impacts of ecommerce and declining footfalls by bringing in more F&B and increasing leisure attractions. Sold on the idea that they are fairly easy and fast to build, landlords with redundant space or large, empty car parks can find the concept of creating drive-through or drive-to experiences appealing to enhance the attractiveness of their parks and turn them into thriving destinations.

However, the road to drive-through success is not always that straightforward and takes experience and technical know-how to deliver.

On-site challenges

For starters, many standalone restaurant and retail units in the UK weren’t originally conceived with the drive-through in mind; to try and maximise car park space, they’re often hard up in the corner of sites resulting in minimal room around them to site a drive-through lane. They can frequently be surrounded by mature trees and other topography that’s very difficult to negotiate, whilst no-build zones that sometimes tesselate across a large car park can leave limited space for development and necessitate challenging and complex works to retrofit the drive-through lane.

Another challenge, particularly for new build, is that owners often want to locate their drive-through offer in an underused, satellite area of the car park. Unfortunately, these sites tend to be a significant distance away from existing utilities infrastructure and the added costs of introducing power and water to a restaurant unit can dampen the economic viability of a scheme.

Regardless, if car park space is available and until the market is completely saturated, there are always going to be owners looking at restaurant space options for their assets. To deliver operationally viable restaurant schemes on difficult areas of car park requires knowledge and experience, as well as inventive thinking.

To secure prime sites and gain a foothold in this competitive market, owners and operators need to think quickly and innovatively. We’ve been fortunate to work with many forward-thinking businesses and it’s amazing what they’re willing to consider and what we’ve been able to achieve, whether relocating site entrances, moving half the restaurant around internally or incorporating a drive-through at the end of a small terrace of units. On a few tightly constrained sites, we’ve even looked to incorporate a drive-through to a multi-storey mixed-used development by demolishing parts of the building to allow for drive-through lanes to wrap around the perimeters of existing units. Some of the bigger operators are also considering double-storey height restaurants to facilitate the occupation of a tight footprint.

Securing successful delivery

Experience of the sector and the requirements of the major operators counts for a lot when successfully delivering these schemes. As one of the UK’s foremost out-of-town retail specialists, we have been working with owners, developers and operators of retail assets for a good number of years, reviewing portfolios of development and advising on the opportunities that exist to integrate asset classes and maximise the value of their sites.

Our experience in drive-throughs dates back to the very beginning of the business when we undertook a large portfolio review of 60 Little Chef sites with a view to converting several to Burger King drive-throughs just before the 2008 recession. We started getting our first enquiries for coffee pods in 2011 and since then have built around 11 drive-throughs and 9 drive-tos for a number of well-known brands.

In the immediate term, as retail looks to bounce back from the impact of the pandemic and rising inflation, owners and operators of retail destinations will be weighing up drive-throughs and drive-tos as a means to bring in more customers and raise their scheme’s footfall levels back to pre-pandemic levels. Longer term, we anticipate the drive-through trend to continue, with more retail locations increasing the level of F&B and leisure offers to remain competitive.

Aided by technological advances and a greater reliance on online or mobile ordering, we also anticipate the scope of drive-through to evolve. Curry’s pilot zero-contact drive-through order and collect took more than 55,000 orders in its first three weeks of operation and perhaps points to a future where even non-F&B retail will feature a drive-up and collect element as part of its portfolio. Owners and developers therefore need to not only be flexible, but also think creatively about their assets, perhaps looking to combine multiple drive-through offerings, such as drive-in entertainment with drive-through food and other click-and-collect or pick-up services.

And then there’s the potential impact of electric vehicle take-up. Figures published by the Department for Transport revealed ‘alternatively fuelled’ car registrations overtook diesels for the first time in 2020 and, as the Government pursues its ambition to ban the sale of new petrol and diesel vehicles by 2030, interest in chargepoint infrastructure in prime locations will continue to grow. Unsurprisingly, a number of the foresighted landlords with whom we work are already exploring the relationship between rapid electric car-charging facilities to drive-through and F&B retail.

Whatever the future may hold, owners and developers need expert advice to make the right decisions, maximise the value of their assets and secure a long-term future for their sites.

Burger King, Centrepoint Retail Park, Aberdeen

Burger King drive-through pod starts on-site at Centrepoint Retail Park, Aberdeen

June 6th, 2022 Posted by All, F&B, News

Urban Edge is delighted to announce that Muir Construction has started on-site on a new 1,800 sq.ft Burger King drive through unit at the popular Centrepoint Retail Park in Aberdeen. Urban Edge was appointed by RPMI as architect on the £800,000 project, which will also see the reconfiguration of the surrounding car park, taking the scheme from feasibility to planning and onwards to delivery and completion.

Explains Ian Townsend, Associate at Urban Edge: “Many retail park owners are now looking to diversify the range of attractions on their retail parks and drive through F&B retail is a very popular option. It’s great to be working alongside Muir Construction on the delivery of this important scheme and we’re delighted to see it start on-site. The addition of another well-known brand will support Centrepoint Retail Park’s continued viability as a retail and leisure destination and expand employment opportunities for local people during and after completion.”

The appearance and layout of this new Burger King drive through unit has been designed to reflect the brand’s identity and requirements. The exterior mixes cream composite panels that sit on a red brick plinth with timber effect panels that highlight the drive-through windows, as well as provide a background for the operator’s intended signage. Floor-to-ceiling aluminium glazing in the public-facing restaurant provides light and views both into and out of the unit.

“This scheme is the latest in a series of similar schemes we have carried out for well-known F&B retailers. The strong relationships we have forged over the years with all the major F&B operators has given us a deep understanding of their specification and brand requirements and means we can be incredibly efficient in how we deliver their schemes on sometimes challenging sites,” says Ian.

The site layout has been carefully designed with particular consideration given to ensure that any potential queues are contained within the retail park. The proposals have also been carefully planned to ensure that the development does not compromise Aberdeen City Council’s Berryden Corridor Improvement Scheme.

As part of the design, hard landscaping elements are to be softened with planted borders containing eight species of flowering shrubs, which will improve the biodiversity on the urban site, supporting local wildlife, in particular bee and bird populations.

Willerby Business Park, Hull

Our latest drive-through scheme breaks ground at Willerby Business Park in Hull

May 18th, 2021 Posted by All, F&B, News

We are delighted to announce the start on-site of our latest drive-through project, for Ramoyle Developments Ltd, that will see the construction of two pod units for Burger King and Costa, respectively, at Willerby Business Park in Hull. The scheme will join a growing number of drive-throughs and drive-tos that we have delivered since 2011, with a further 10 currently in design progress or due to start on-site.

Explains Josh Rowley, Associate Director: “The market for drive-through food and beverage has increased substantially in the last few years and the number of enquiries that we have received recently is unprecedented. The strong relationships we have forged over the years with all the major operators has given us a deep understanding of their specification and brand requirements and means we can be incredibly efficient in how we deliver their schemes on sometimes challenging sites.”

The drive-through pod units at Willerby Business Park have been designed to respond and relate to the site in which they are located, whilst also reflecting the branding and specification requirement of the tenants. Our design team gave careful consideration to the overall height and siting of the pod units so as not to adversely impact upon the visibility of the other tenants in the business park. The pods will benefit from their positions close to the business park’s entrance and the adjacent roundabout, as they will have good visibility from the nearby traffic routes.

The car park and an area of landscaping in the southern area of the development site will be reconfigured to accommodate the new drive-through units, whilst a retaining wall will be introduced to allow for the difference in levels. At the site entrance the existing raised island will be removed, and a new lay by installed to the west of the access, providing a delivery area for one of the pod units.

“Siting the pods units and their drive-through lanes proved challenging as we needed to retain a certain amount of parking and take into account a number of tree protection orders on the site,” says Josh. “We also had to contend with differing site levels that required both an intelligent design strategy and experience of the requirements of these types of schemes to deliver two accessible drive-through lanes, avoiding the need for cars to journey uphill or restaurant customers having to use long flights of steps or steep ramps from the car park on the other side.”

The design team have also proposed new trees and areas of vegetation to ensure the site retains a vegetation buffer at its border. In doing this, views into the site will be improved, providing greater presence for the existing units as well as the new drive-through pods.

The existing Willerby Business Park is made up of units of a variety of uses, primarily classes D and B. The addition of these new drive-through units for Burger King and Costa, adjacent to a popular leisure centre, will ensure a more diverse range of attractions to the business park and fulfil the client’s aspirations of enhancing the park’s appeal to the public and ensuring its long-term commercial viability.

The scheme is expected to complete in Q3 2021.

Retail World

New F&B units significantly improve retail offer at Retail World, Gateshead

August 23rd, 2019 Posted by All, F&B, News

We have recently delivered five new retail units, totalling 12,223 sq.ft at the popular Retail World near Gateshead. The project contains a mix of retail and food and drink units with external seating areas, alterations to existing car parking and landscaping.

Our design reflects the area’s strong mining and manufacturing heritage. Powder-coated composite panels, resembling the rusted steel of the nearby Angel of the North. The intention is to create an aged industrial feel to contrast the extensive modern glazing and aluminium framed glazed shopfronts. A glazed canopy projects slightly from the units fronting the pedestrian link, providing both an elegant and unifying finish to the units and offers a partial shelter to pedestrians and users of the external seating area.

The new terrace is situated in a prominent location, directly on the site entrance, the design fits coherently within site as a whole. Its frontages establish a relationship with the units already within the retail park, giving a sense of enclosure and cohesiveness to the space generally. The distances within the retail park are quite vast in pedestrian terms and the new units create a ‘respite island’, reducing the perceived distances and adding more interest and variety for the public.

Josh Rowley, Associate Director says: “The withdrawal of one of the previous anchor tenants from the original line-up, gave us the opportunity to redesign the terrace, increasing the number of proposed units and enhance the park’s retail offer without impacting the existing tenants.”

Creating a pedestrian-friendly space where people would be happy to spend quality time, was an important factor in our design. Around the new terrace, a number of fixed benches are set between ‘rain gardens’ and trees in tree grills which together will partially screen and give a softer edge to the development. The rain gardens contain wetland grasses and perennials beds which will contribute towards surface water attenuation.

In addition to reconfiguring the existing car parking to maintain the overall number of parking spaces, a key pedestrian route was developed to improve links across the site. This pedestrian pathway is a bold and highly legible feature, lined by columnar Hornbeam trees. A row of lower flowering Dogwood trees provide a splash of colour and a more intimate scale, creating a physical barrier but allowing views through to the retail park beyond. Careful siting of this route will make it possible, in the future, to link through to the Minories site, part of a wider masterplan.

Concludes Josh Rowley: “Our client, Gateshead Retail World, Team Valley, handed the units over to the tenants in February and they are already home to recognisable names such as Card Factory, O2, Bells Fish & Chips and Costa, plus another planned fast food operator. The modern aesthetic of the terrace, plus the pedestrian friendly landscaping and the strong mix of retailers will add significantly to the park’s offer and improve dwell times.”

You can read more about this project in our portfolio.

Tamatanga, Highcross

Urban Edge celebrates double opening at Highcross shopping centre in Leicester

August 14th, 2019 Posted by All, F&B

A new 18,000 sq.ft Treetop Adventure Golf, complementing the existing retail offer at Highcross with more family orientated activities, launched in June, with the independent Indian street food brand Tamatanga opening its doors in July.

Our design for the £10 million refurbishment has previously attracted such high street big hitters as Zara and JD Sports. Already existing tenants at the centre, Zara have moved into a 30,000 sq.ft flagship store and a full-line JD Sports have doubled the size of their space by taking an extended 20,000 sq.ft unit.

Darren Hodgson, Associate Director says: “With such challenging times on the UK high street, retailers are extremely exacting in the location and configuration of the units they rent. We were able to apply our expertise in retail developments to reconfigure an old-fashioned, department store-centric layout into new units suitable for modern retailers. Lower and upper ground floors are now the key retail areas, with other spaces attracting alternative tenants, such as indoor golf, or even being converted into car parking; all to make the whole visitor experience more attractive to customers.”

We developed and delivered a scheme which sub-divided and reconfigured the three storeys that made up the former House of Fraser department store within the Highcross shopping centre. Our design created new retail, leisure and food and beverage offers for the centre, in addition to converting part of the upper retail levels into additional car parking, extending the existing roof top car park and providing an extra 130 spaces.

Darren concludes: “This is our first delivered scheme to date for Hammerson, and it gave the Highcross centre a renewed presence on Leicester’s high street and strengthened the developing human connectivity of the city centre. Our design re-imagined the internal layout to not only maximise the useable floorspace but create units that appealed to the changing needs of the hard-pressed high street retailer.”

You can read more about this project in our portfolio.

  • Treetop Adventure Golf, Highcross
  • Treetop Adventure Golf, Highcross
  • Tamatanga, Highcross
  • Tamatanga, Highcross
Costa, Heanor

Bespoke Costa completes at Heanor

July 30th, 2019 Posted by All, F&B

In our first project delivered for client CBRE Global Investors, we were tasked with selecting a site and developing a bespoke design for a new c£600k Costa pod at the popular Heanor Retail Park in Derbyshire.

The team’s first task was to carefully select the site to give the 1,840 sq.ft unit prominence, but without negatively impacting the sight lines to the existing retail terrace. Having chosen a plot situated on the A6007, one of the main arterial routes through the centre of town, our design had to create an individual contemporary drive-to unit that fitted in with the feel of the Costa brand but was bespoke to the site.

We worked beyond the standard Costa design, with its mono-pitch roof and white render/timber façades, and created a modern minimalist design to give the unit its own identity. The quality of the materials used were a key aspect of the finished unit, with the external façade being a mixture of reconstituted stone cladding, cedar cladding and aluminium cladding in dark red to tie in with the Costa brand identity. The addition of an extended canopy along the front elevation offers a semi-covered area for the external seating.

Director, Tom McNamara said: “We think our Costa pod is a real asset to the park, serving the existing customers well and hopefully increasing dwell time. Feedback from the Costa staff is that the unit is trading better than expected, and the reviews on the coffee shop’s Facebook page have been very complimentary.”