Urban Edge completes the Three Peaks Challenge
3 peaks challenge

Urban Edge completes Three Peaks Challenge, showcasing strength and teamwork

August 1st, 2024 Posted by All, ESG, News

On July 10th 2024, the Urban Edge team took up the unforgettable challenge of tackling the Three Peaks! After a total of 26 miles and 3,000m of ascent, it’s safe to say that the team deserve a round of applause for their fearless nature and their ability to never give up when facing such a gruelling challenge. 

Here’s what faced the team on their Three Peaks adventure: 

Ben Nevis – The ever-changing weather made this climb difficult, changing every five minutes from bright sunshine to deep fog and heavy winds. The team powered through whilst listening to England play in the semi-finals of the Euros for extra motivation. The views were breathtaking, and on the descent, they were treated to a lovely pink sky and picturesque views and the sun set over the mountain.

Scafell Pike – Whilst this was the shortest mountain of the three, this climb was the steepest, and most difficult. Some injuries were picked up on the way, however the team made it to the top fuelled by snack bars and were rewarded with views of some low flying military aircraft training in the valleys below. 

Snowdon – The busiest of the three mountains, meant the team had lots of conversations with climbers and visitors. Unfortunately, the cloud was thick when they reached this summit, so there wasn’t much of a view. The team avoided the temptation to get the train down, no matter how much they ached. Although team member Ricky was tempted to do a ‘James Bond’ manoeuvre and jump on the train! At the bottom of Snowdon, the team were left exhausted from their three climbs but in good spirits. They celebrated their achievement with a well-deserved cooked breakfast and shared memories they will never forget. 

The Three Peaks Challenge stands as a powerful testament to Urban Edge’s team-building spirit. We take pride in witnessing how the team collectively overcame obstacles, fatigue and solved problems together. This week the team have celebrated their success, shared stories with loved ones and friends, all whilst cherishing these memories of a lifetime. 

Anthony, a fellow team member, shared his experience: “The Three Peaks Challenge tested our endurance and physical limits. Being part of the team, supporting each other every step of the way and providing motivation when needed was truly rewarding. Additionally, raising funds for Prostate Cancer, a cause close to my family, brought me immense joy.”

A special thank you must go to Directors Russ and Tom for organising this unforgettable experience and let’s all cheer for the team’s success.