Thomas Bromley Reflects on Summer Placement

Thomas Bromley shares insights from his summer placement at Urban Edge

October 27th, 2021 Posted by All, Urban Edge Academy

Going into any profession after three years of education is always daunting, none more so than architecture. Whilst we are taught a variety of software and design methodologies, there is little exposure to the reality of working within an architectural practice. The BArch course allows you to develop the relevant design and technical skills which prepare you for the role of an Architectural Assistant, but working within the industry gives you the important real-life experience of moving projects through the RIBA Plan of work stages 1-7.

During my Part 1 placement year at Urban Edge, I was involved in a variety of work, from modelling, masterplanning to landscape design, as well as assisting with multiple planning applications in sectors ranging from later living to retail. Within the office I found myself surrounded by a wealth of knowledge and expertise that, when absorbed, informed my future work and fed into my MArch studies, significantly improving the level of detail and quality of design.

I thoroughly appreciated my time at Urban Edge and, having discovered that I enjoy working within a practice more than the educational side, am now more enthused than ever to return to the architecture profession after my Masters study. I have gained knowledge that would have been unobtainable without direct exposure to the industry and I am looking forward to furthering that knowledge and experience in the future.

Thomas Bromley | Architectural Assistant