Ride Across Britain 2019

Urban Edge Graphic Designer Stuart Hill completes epic 980 mile Ride Across Britain

September 27th, 2019 Posted by All, ESG, News

Resident Graphic Designer Stuart Hill is a keen cyclist and can often be spotted in lycra, before diving into the office to get changed, on his morning commute. This year however, he decided to push himself a bit further and took part in the Deloitte Ride Across Britain. This involved riding over 100 miles a day for nine consecutive days, starting from Land’s End and finishing at John O’Groats. Stuart was also raising money for Prostate Cancer UK which is our Foundation’s chosen charity in 2019. He successfully completed the Ride Across Britain on the 13th September and has raised a fantastic £2,975! To find out more about his incredible journey and view a gallery of professional images from the event please visit the Urban Edge Foundation website.