Gateway Retail Park, Lowestoft

The most easterly town in the UK welcomes brand new Gateway Retail Park

May 21st, 2019 Posted by All, News, Retail

We are celebrating the realisation of our £7 million new build retail park on Tower Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk. Gateway Retail Park was completed on the 2nd May 2019, with the tenants now starting to fit out. The circa 70,000 sq.ft development marks a substantial investment in the region, as well as turning a redundant brownfield site into an impressive new gateway for the town.

Anchored by Aldi and The Range, the scheme includes a new retail terrace, coffee drive-through and a mixed retail and restaurant unit, complete with a remodelled site access, car parking and hard and soft landscaping. We were pleased to work with TPS Development and Project Managers on behalf of our client Freshwater Group, to create a contemporary response to the requirements of modern out-of-town retailers, including such names as Costa, Greggs, Subway and Card Factory.

Director, Tom McNamara said: “We are excited to see our design finally completed. It has been a long journey – with the original planning being granted in December 2015 – but the finished development is a quality new retail destination that will boost Lowestoft’s economy and offer good local employment opportunities, as well as creating a positive first view of the town from the south.”


Mark Newton, Director at TPS, adds: “It’s great to see Gateway Retail Park finally completed for our client Freshwater Group. It’s a great testament to the team involved who have worked hard to deliver this new retail facility. It’s been great to track the scheme’s progress through the time-lapse camera Stainforth Construction provided. The retail units are currently being fitted out with the first units opening within the next few weeks. The retail park was 75% pre-let prior to completion and we are pleased to announce that the remaining 15,000 sq.ft is now under offer and will introduce some new brands to Lowestoft.”

The design puts emphasis on the integration of this new development into the wider area and creates a strong link between the existing retail and commercial uses to the south of the site. Stylish design and quality flows through into the public realm with the provision of an attractive landscape, with a variety of native trees and shrubs adding visual interest for customers.