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Erdington Industrial Park, Birmingham

Hermes Investment Management

A brand new, contemporary 99,750 sq.ft industrial/distribution two unit development situated on a brownfield site in Erdington, Birmingham

This industrial development, situated in Erdington, utilises a brownfield site, currently an underused car park, adding a new, contemporary industrial/distribution units to complement the existing industrial park and adds value to an existing asset for our client Hermes Investment Management.

The proposal comprises a two new industrial/distribution units with a combined floor area of 99,750 sq.ft including office space at first floor level and associated car parking and service yard areas. The unit is positioned on the site in order to maximise the deliverable floor area, whilst still providing an independently accessed car park areas to serve the office elements and an independent service yard entrances for HGVs separating the two uses for safety and legibility.

The proposed design breaks down the linear elevation by utilising a palette of contrasting cladding colours creating visual interest and adding to the architectural quality of the area. The office elements of the building are defined by a thick dark grey portal features framing this active element of the scheme.

Extensive landscape also assists in breaking up the site and softens the overall development and building mass, this also screens the development from the adjacent residential properties.

95,000 sq.ft

Warehouse accommodation

4,750 sq.ft

Office accommodation


Parking spaces


Development budget