Monks Cross Shopping Park, York Monks Cross Shopping Park, York Monks Cross Shopping Park, York Slider Arrow

Monks Cross Shopping Park, York

Monks Cross Shopping Park Trust

Four new kiosks strategically positioned between the existing retail frontage and the car park to create a new pedestrianised ‘street scene’ at this bustling retail destination in York

At Monks Cross Shopping Park in York, we introduced four kiosks strategically positioned between the existing retail frontage and the car park. These kiosks added six additional retail units to the park without significantly impacting parking availability. The upgraded public realm features raised planting beds, attractive planting, and low-maintenance street furniture, enhancing the overall shopping experience. Notably, the new kiosks have increased foot traffic and extended visitor dwell time, benefiting both the development and existing tenants. Their design harmonises with the aesthetic of the recently completed retail terrace redevelopment.

10,000 sq.ft

Food and beverage accommodation

1,000 (approx)

Parking spaces


Development budget